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Sustainability and Human Wellness: A Holistic Approach

Sustainability and Human Wellness: A Holistic Approach

Two of the most significant challenges of our times – climate change and the escalating incidence of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions – are deeply intertwined with our dietary habits. The excessive...

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Natural Loofahs a Sustainable Touch of Luxury

Natural Loofahs a Sustainable Touch of Luxury

Contrary to what many believe, the natural loofahs are not a part of a spongy animal from the sea. It is made from a dried gourd that grows on a vine and is supposed to have originated in India. The vegetable is popular in India, China, Sri Lanka,...

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Eco-Friendly Packaging: A Game-Changer in Sustainability

Eco-Friendly Packaging: A Game-Changer in Sustainability

Did you know that India generates approximately 26,000 tonnes of plastic waste daily, with a significant portion being single-use plastics?  In 2023, the country produced about 9.46 million tonnes of plastic waste, with nearly 43% classified as...

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Five Practical Tips to Live Sustainably

Five Practical Tips to Live Sustainably

Imagine living in a world where every choice is a step towards a cleaner, greener planet. Sustainability applies to everything from the clothes you wear to the food you consume. It's not about sacrifice; it's about creating a fulfilling life while...

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Waste to Art – Transforming Trash to Treasure

Waste to Art – Transforming Trash to Treasure

Art is an intense form of expression, and it has been used to make a statement and draw attention to the issue of waste. Waste generation and management are among the more urgent worldwide issues. Art created from recycled materials has been...

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Regenerative Tourism: A Deep Dive

Regenerative Tourism: A Deep Dive

What is Regenerative Tourism?Regenerative tourism goes beyond sustainability, aiming not just to minimize harm but to actively improve the environment, culture, and communities where tourism operates. While sustainability ensures that the resources...

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